MidpSSH ALPHA Download


This is the best place to go, enter the WAP address into your phone and from there you can download and install the appropriate MidpSSH build.


Full Build (Telnet, SSH1, SSH2)

MIDP 2.0

JAD file

JAR file

MIDP 1.0

JAD file

JAR file

SSH1 Build (Telnet, SSH1)

MIDP 2.0

JAD file

JAR file

MIDP 1.0

JAD file

JAR file

SSH2 Lite Build (SSH1, SSH2, reduced functionality)

MIDP 2.0

JAD file

JAR file

MIDP 1.0

JAD file

JAR file

SSH1 Lite Build (SSH1 only, reduced functionality)

MIDP 2.0

JAD file

JAR file

MIDP 1.0

JAD file

JAR file

Blackberry Build (Telnet, SSH1, SSH2)

The recommended way to install on a Blackberry is to install the OTA download available from the WAP site listed above. Alternatively you may manually download the COD and ALX file and deploy them to your Blackberry.

ALX file

COD file

Enterprise only

Use this version if you need to use MDS/BES connectivity as well as TCP/IP connectivity and your BES doesn't permit split pipes (gives you an error about connecting inside and outside the firewall).

ALX file

COD file

No Obfuscation Build (Telnet, SSH1, SSH2)

Please only use the No Obfuscation Build if you have trouble with the builds above. Please email me to let me know if this build works where others do not or if no build works on your device.

MIDP 1.0

JAD file

JAR file (137 KB)